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AHJ President



Angie COTTE is French/American expert in cultural engineering of international projects.


She received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Goldsmiths’ College London and a Masters Degree in Intercultural studies from Sorbonne University.


From 1989 to 2008, she worked for European organisations who strengthen international cultural cooperation through arts residency programmes (European Pépinières for emerging artists), funding mechanisms for cultural entrepreneurs (Eurocreation, Creative Tracks), or forums of debate and exchange in cultural policymaking, delivering over fifty conferences in Capitals of Culture.


She was a member of the Executive Committee of Culture Action Europe from 2013 to 2017, the Brussels-based advocacy platform for culture and the arts in Europe. During that time she was a member of the Civil Society Europe platform and lectured at Sciences Po in Paris.


She was also a Board member of On the Move (information web-platform) from 2010 to 2012. She lectures at the Universities of Bobigny and Senart on funding opportunities for grassroots cultural projects that address intercultural challenges.


She is fluent in French and English and has been a translator for the Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration in Paris. She has been a jury member for the Ecole des metiers de la Culture in Paris.


She is currently an individual member of the Arts, Rights and Justice working group and active partner of the Safe Havens network. She participates in the cultural rights training programme of the Réseau 21 Culture.


In 2009 she started working in the Arab and Middle East region, by becoming Secretary General of the Roberto Cimetta Fund, supporting the freedom of circulation and expression of arts and culture professionals.


In December 2018, She has become the Chairwoman of AHJ, the Association for Humanitarian Aid and Journalism, supporting Shayda Hessami the founder of AHJ in promoting the journalism to empower women in conflict zones.




Aide Humanitaire et Journalisme (AHJ) est une association loi 1901, fondée en France en 2017.


Elle permet à toutes les victimes de guerre ou de discriminations, notamment les femmes en zones de conflits et les réfugiés en France et en Europe, de se former au journalisme et à l'art pour faire valoir leurs droits et faire entendre leurs voix.



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